Sunday, November 11, 2007

Facebook and Social Networking

I have to write this down before I forget why I started this.

I attended this conference in San Jose, "Graphing Social Patterns: The Business & Technology of Facebook" ( Because of work and some other arrangement, I was there only for the last day. The keynote speaker that morning was Tim O’Reilly, the founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media. He was talking about the latest O'Reilly Radar Report, "The Facebook Application Platform". He quoted a lot of numbers and examples from the report, while I was waiting for the caffeine from the coffee I just gulped down to kick in. I was not sure I have heard every word he said.

Mr. O'Reilly's final comment was probably the only thing that caught my attention and resounded in my head for the rest of that day. He said that he believes we are at a very early stage of using the web as a tool for social networking and it is hard to say what this will evolve into. Seeing all the cool presentations and envisioning those young engineers morphing into future CEO's and VP's of engineering, I was wondering where we are heading to and what will happen along the way. Is there a better way to experience it?

Two weeks later, I started this blog.